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How to Play Mini Golf – Infographic

Ocean City is a fantastic place for a family vacation — there are beaches, parks, amusement rides and a host of other fun activities for people of all ages to try. One of the most popular things to do is to play miniature golf at one of the city’s many mini golf courses. If you’re not familiar with the game, we’ll give you a breakdown on how to play mini golf, and more importantly, how to win mini golf!

how to play mini golf infographic

Start by Judging Your Playing Field

You’re probably not a golf professional, but even if you are, it’s not unusual for pros to take as many as 300 practice shots off a tee before a game — especially a competitive game! Take some practice swings, and if there are other players on the course, take some time to observe what other players are doing and how their swings turn out.

Be Aware of Your Stance

One of the most important mini golf tips to remember is to be aware of your stance — both physically and mentally. Let’s start with your physical stance — start by keeping your putter perpendicular to the hole. This might be difficult if you’re on a complicated course, but generally this is where you always want to start.

Make sure you pick the right putter too! Mini golf is fun for the whole family, so they’ll have putters designed for players of all sizes. Pick one that feels comfortable to hold and is tall enough that the top hits you above belt level.

Line your ball up with the inside of your forward foot — this will change depending on whether you’re right or left handed. If you putt with your right hand, your left foot should be forward, and vice versa.

Your mental stance is just as important when it comes to miniature golf games. Take the time to identify the type of hole you’re about to play. Is it a simple straight shot to the hole, or do you have a windmill between you and your target? Not every hole is going to require the same strategy, so take the time to figure out the best course of action before you swing.

Keep in mind that aiming straight isn’t always going to be the best idea. Most mini golf courses are designed to take at least 2 strokes, so plan ahead and look for the best way to get your ball from point A to point B. Just like playing billiards, mini golf takes a bit of basic high school geometry.

Hit the Ball

Now that you have your route planned out, it’s time to hit the ball! Don’t just swing as hard as you can though — this isn’t a professional golf course and you’re not trying to get your ball hundreds of yards down the course. Here’s an easy miniature golf tip for you — don’t do that. If you’re swinging like mad or launching your ball across the course, you’ll probably get kicked out.

Hit the ball with a controlled strike — not too soft, or it won’t make it very far, but not too hard either.  Keep your force and speed controlled to get the best results. It might take you a few holes to find the sweet spot, but you’ll get there.

Don’t Give Up!

When it comes down to it, mini golf is a deceptively difficult game. It’s not won by skill as much as it is by practice and patience. Be patient, take your time, and whatever you do — don’t give up!

Mini golf is definitely here to stay — the game recently celebrated its 100th anniversary! Get out there and enjoy a fantastic holiday with your family!

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