Created: 07 April 2020
Dear Friends,
I hope everyone is doing as well as can be expected during these trying times. I fully understand the sacrifices we all are making and the fear of what may lie ahead.
Many of you have asked me to close the bridges. I do not have that authority. I have worked with City Council to close the beach, boardwalk, public buildings, parks and recreational facilities. These actions all make it easier to follow the governor’s strict orders to shelter in place and eliminate nonessential travel.
My responsibility as mayor is to do everything within my power and within the law to protect the people of our community. Your responsibility is to follow the directives issued by the governor and public health experts to slow the spread of the pandemic. That’s it.
Now is not the time to point fingers and to blame others. It’s a time to work together. If we spend our energy scorning our neighbors, we will leave scars that will last much longer than coronavirus.
I ran for mayor under a platform of “Unity in the Community,” and I believe in that now more than ever. The virus has spread throughout the state and has been in Ocean City for weeks now. That’s why it’s absolutely imperative for everybody to continue to stay at home, practice social distancing and follow all other recommendations. Let’s look out for each other – from safe distances – as we get through this together.
Warm regards,
Jay A. Gillian