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How to Get Sand Out of Everything

How to Get Sand Out of Everything

When you come to enjoy the beautiful beaches of Ocean City, New Jersey, you’re bound to confront the issue of sand — it can be like a magnet the way it attaches to everything you own. Even the water bottle you didn’t bring to the beach somehow now has sand on it. Fortunately, you and your family can use several tips to prevent and remove sand from getting into your things when you’re at the shore.

Whether you love the feeling of sand between your toes or can just barely tolerate it, this complete list on how to get sand out of everything is for you!

Table of Contents

  1. Bathing Suits
  2. Washing Machines and Dryers
  3. Beach Toys
  4. Bedding
  5. Cars
  6. Carpets and Rugs
  7. Ears
  8. Electronics
  9. Eyes
  10. Feet and Hands
  11. Hair
  12. Towels

12 Ways to Remove Sand From Common Items and Places

Learn how to remove sand from the most common places, like hands, feet and beach accessories, so it stays where it’s supposed to — at the beach.

1. How To Get Sand Out Of Bathing Suits

If possible, the whole family should rinse off in clean water at an outdoor shower to remove excess sand. This trick will get most of the sand off everyone’s bodies, so you’ll only have a bit to remove from their bathing suits at home.

When you get home, the first thing to do is to go outside and shake as much sand out as you can. Then, leave the suit to fully dry in the sun. Once dry, give it another good shake. Finally, rinse or soak your swimsuits in cold water for a minimum of 10 minutes. Like towels, the sand in your suit should come away from the fibers and sink to the bottom, making for easy cleanup. Avoid tossing sandy suits in the washer and dryer.


2. How To Get Sand Out Of Washing Machines and Dryers

If you’ve already thrown a sandy swimsuit or other clothes into your laundry machines, there are several options when deciding how to get sand out of a washer and dryer. 

Let your washer completely dry out with the lid open, and then use your vacuum cleaner to remove the sand from the drum. Or, if you notice sand around the edge of your washer, you can run a wet paper towel along the rim to remove excess sand.

If you have sand in the dryer, you will want to follow a similar process of using your vacuum to remove any sand. Or, you can use a wet cloth to remove sand from the drum. Make sure to clean your lint trap, too, and vacuum any sand up from inside.

Depending on where the sand is in your machine, you may have to dismantle the dryer to remove the sand. It’s best to contact a licensed tradesperson or the manufacturer and ask them how to get sand out of a dryer before you try this option to ensure you don’t hurt yourself or your machine.

3. How To Get Sand Out Of Beach Toys

A kid’s favorite part about the beach is often the toys they can use to play in the sand. Unfortunately, toys can bring sand inside, too. As a solution, pack your beach toys into a mesh bag and shake the bag to remove excess sand. The material of the bag ensures most of the sand will fall out of the bottom.

Before going home or getting in the car, rinse the toys outside in a shower or with a hose. Then, do a final rinse-off or soak when you return home. To save time, if you’re planning multiple beach days in a row, store the toys in a bag or bin in your car rather than rinsing them off every day. Later, on the final day of your vacation, clean the toys and container thoroughly before heading back home.

4. How To Get Sand Out Of Bedding

If you’re at the beach, you might find an extra guest in your bed in the form of sand. No one likes sleeping with the feeling of grainy sand on their skin — but fortunately, getting it out is simple. A quick shake-out usually does the trick, so gather the sheets and take them outside to shake them out. For sheets with a lot of sand stuck to them, let them soak in a tub or bucket of cold water before throwing them in for a wash.

Sometimes, getting sand on your bed sheets also means they get stained with dirt and other debris. Be sure to spot-treat your sheets before tossing them into the wash to ensure they’re as fresh as possible when they come out. If you’re renting a house for vacation, you may be able to place the sheets in a laundry bag and let the cleaning staff expertly deal with them.

5. How To Get Sand Out Of Cars

Are you renting a car for your vacation? It’s crucial to keep it tidy to avoid paying any extra cleaning charges. Even if you bring your personal vehicle to the beach, you probably want to avoid an excessive buildup of sand. The best solution is prevention. By keeping sand outside of the car at all costs, you can effectively avoid tracking sand into your car.

Before you head to the beach, make sure you have plastic or rubber floor mats under every seat, as they’re easy to wash. Additionally, you should cover the seats with old clean towels or sheets to make cleanup even easier.

However, life happens — and there’s a chance that sand will find its way onto your car seats anyway. If you do get sand in your car, take it to a professional car detailer or use a car-specific vacuum to suction the sand out. For smaller nooks and crannies, you can use a toothbrush, Q-tip or paintbrush to loosen the excess sand.

6. How To Get Sand Out Of Carpets and Rugs

Using a vacuum offers a quick fix for small specks of sand. However, vacuuming large piles of sand can damage your vacuum cleaner. As a result, you’ll want to try other tricks to remove sand from carpets and rugs.

For rugs you can pick up and move, take them outside and shake them out. It also helps to comb out the sand with a bristled brush or pick up the sand using strips of tape. For floor carpeting that can’t be taken outside, you might be able to use a blow dryer to blow the sand onto a hard surface so the sand can be swept up with a broom.

Ultimately, your best bet will be to avoid getting sand inside entirely. Have your family remove all sand from their bodies, clothes and shoes before getting inside. If they need to get inside to take a shower or bath to rinse off, lay down clean beach towels across the carpeting. Any severe carpet damage from sand should be professionally cleaned.

7. How To Get Sand Out Of Ears

To get sand out of your ears safely, avoid using a Q-tip, as it may push the sand and earwax closer to your eardrum, causing discomfort or health issues. 

Instead, tilt your head to the side and shake it while lightly pulling your ear back and upward. This movement will lengthen out your ear canal so excess sand can drop out. It might take a little coaxing to get your kids to comply, but they’ll feel much better if they’ve gotten that pesky sand out of their ears.

8. How To Get Sand Out Of Phone & Electronics

The most expensive item you bring on the beach with you is likely your phone. After all, you need to snap those unforgettable pictures — and maybe even scroll through social media while relaxing in the sun. Unfortunately, the two most common things at the beach — water and sand — can damage your electronics. For phones, investing in a waterproof phone case can help keep sand and water from infiltrating your devices. A sealed baggie helps, too.

To get sand out of a phone you can try using compressed air to blast the sand particles of the nooks and crannies of your device. If you can’t find compressed air, you can use the bristles of a toothbrush to try and sweep out the grains.

For the technology on your wrist, care will be a bit different. While most Apple Watches are water resistant, this doesn’t mean they’re resistant to sand. A day on the beach can cause sand to get in your watch, which can be uncomfortable or cause your watch to stop working correctly. Luckily, knowing how to get sand out of an Apple Watch can keep your tech operating correctly.

Start by running the Digital Crown under warm water. As you run the crown under warm water, turn and press it so water can flow between the crown and the housing. Once you remove the sand, dry the surface of your watch, the space between the crown, and the case and all surrounding surfaces with a lint-free cloth.

For a big job — perhaps someone “accidentally” buried your phone in the sand — take your device to a professional electronics cleaner, who can expertly take apart your phone to remove the debris from all the hard-to-reach corners and crevices.

9. How To Get Sand Out Of Eyes

If you get sand in your eyes, you’re bound to know about it. It’s an uncomfortable, often painful feeling. Unfortunately, our instinct to rub our eyes when they get irritated can lead to serious harm. When you get sand or other debris in your eyes, the number one rule to remember is don’t rub them, as you could accidentally scratch your cornea.

For a little bit of sand, the tears your eye naturally produces should be sufficient to wash it away in a few blinks. If the sand is stubborn, there are a few simple fixes to getting sand out of your eye. One option is to use eye drops or saline solution to rinse the eyes. This solution helps enhance the work of the tear ducts. Alternatively, if saline isn’t available or doesn’t do the trick, you can rinse your eyes with water. With enough blinking, the sand should get out of your eye.

10. How To Get Sand Out Of Feet and Hands

As the most common culprits that collect sand, you have to clean your hands and feet to reduce the amount of sand on everything else.

Starting with your hands, give them a good shake and rub them together like you’re washing your hands. In addition to getting most of the sand off, you may notice your palms feel softer thanks to the exfoliation. Finally, rinse and dry your hands with a clean towel.

Here’s how to get sand out of shoes. To avoid tracking sand into your car and house, keep your shoes in hand as you walk off the beach. If possible, rinse your feet at an outdoor shower or reserve a little water from a water bottle to use for rinsing. Then, dry off with a clean, sand-free towel. Be sure to shake your shoes in the parking lot, too.

For the best results, bring a change of shoes to wear in the car or on your walk back home.

11. How To Get Sand Out Of Hair

Whether from a vigorous swim session in the ocean or the occasional scratch with sandy hands, your hair can become sandy, too. If you have long hair in a ponytail or bun, you can get sand out of your hair by taking it out of the updo to turn your head over and rub at your scalp with clean hands. For shorter hair, you may be able to shake out most of the sand. If possible, rinse off with clean water at an outdoor shower.

For sticky sand that won’t seem to come off of your hands, feet and hair, pack some baby powder or talcum powder. The same reason baby powder helps prevent chafing is what also helps remove sand. Using a light sprinkle, rub it on dry skin in areas you want to remove sand. The powder will absorb the excess moisture and oils in the skin to make brushing sand off much easier.

This hack is perfect for kids who particularly dislike the feeling of sand on their hands and feet. Since baby powder is a soft and often familiar feeling and scent for children, it may help comfort them if they’re bothered by the sand.

12. How To Get Sand Out Of Towels

Aside from the body, towels are the biggest culprit when it comes to collecting sand. The first step is to shake out the sand. No one wants a face full of sand, so be careful where and how you shake out your towels. It can help to have two people hold the towel to shake it out. Then, when you get home from the beach, soak your dirty towels in a big container of cold water and the sand should loosen and sink to the bottom of the container.

If you plan to use the towel again, hang it out to dry in the sun. The ultraviolet rays can help dry and sanitize your towels more quickly. When you’re ready to wash them, give them another vigorous shake-off. 

A good towel strategy is to keep a few fresh, clean towels to dry off. Whether you bring them in a bag with you to the beach or leave them in the car, a final dry-off with a sand-free towel can prevent tracking any more sand into places it shouldn’t be.

Enjoy Beautiful Sandy Beaches in Ocean City, New Jersey

A day at the beach — or a few — is a sure recipe for relaxation and fun. Ocean City, New Jersey, is the perfect destination for your next family vacation. Our award-winning beaches, unbeatable adventures and world-class dining makes us one of the best vacation spots on the East Coast.

With professional lifeguards patrolling the beaches every season, feel safe bringing your family to enjoy our beaches knowing you have the utmost security and protection. Furthermore, the fees we collect from beach passes go to keeping our beaches clean for you to enjoy. As a result, your family will have an enjoyable time — especially when you have an arsenal of sand removal tips under your belt.

Bask in the glorious sun and sand of Ocean City, New Jersey. Explore more about what to dowhere to eatwhere to shop and where to stay when you visit!

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