OCNJ Labor Day Race
OCNJ Labor Day Race
OCNJ Labor Day Race 5 Mile beach run and 1 Mile fun run/walk. Great end of the summer season event. https://www.ocnj.us/race-events
OCNJ Labor Day Race 5 Mile beach run and 1 Mile fun run/walk. Great end of the summer season event. https://www.ocnj.us/race-events
Tabernacle Grounds 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Crafters in the street at 6th & Asbury Ave.
Fall Cruisin' The Boards Car Show 50th anniversary of the OC Classic Car & Street Rod Show. Will feature classic cars from 1989 and older displayed on the boardwalk from 6th - 14th street, noon – 5:00 p.m. For more information visit cruisintheboards.com or email blinkerfluidproductions@gmail.com.
Corvette Show Over 400 cars exhibited. One of the largest shows of its kind in the East. Models from almost every year Corvettes were manufactured comprise this colorful show. Displayed on the boardwalk from 6th Street – 14th Street, 11:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. For more information call 609-457-0081. Register at boardwalkcorvettesac.com.
9/11 Remembrance Ceremony "A Day to Remember" will include music, prayer and reflections on the memory of lives lost and on the community spirit that was renewed in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center. All are encouraged to attend. 6:00 p.m., location TBD.
Ocean City Airport Festival Annual festival at the Municipal Airport, 26th & Bay Ave. 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Features include a ground display of unusual airplanes ranging from World War II Planes to Classics and Warbirds. The event will feature a parachute jump from Team Fastrax.
Parachute Pyrotechnic Show consists of several highly trained and specially licensed Team Fastrax™ demonstrators exiting the aircraft 6,000 feet above Ocean City’s Beach & Boardwalk. Brilliant white or multi-colored projectile pyrotechnics are then ignited and flown in formation, creating a dazzling display for spectators on the ground. 8:00 p.m. jump with a landing on the […]
Boardwalk Aerobatic Airshow 1 p.m., 6th – 14th Streets over the ocean. Thrill to some of the best stunt pilots and aerobatic champions in the world plus military demonstrations.
Ocean City, NJ Jeep Invasion Jeeps will fill the boardwalk between 5th Street – 14th Street, noon - 5:00 p.m. For more information visit NJJeepInvasion.com or email blinkerfluidproductions.com.
OCNJ Half Marathon, 5k & 10 Mile Non-Competitive Walk/Run NO RACE DAY registration for the Half Marathon. Registration opens February 2025. Sign up early to save on registration fees. www.ocnj.us/Race-Events
MS City to Shore Ride with 7,000 cyclists raising $5.6 million – promises to be the best cycling experience on the east coast. This ride is fully supported with catered rest stops, bike support and SAG transportation. For more information call: 1-800-445-BIKE or visit mscycling.org
MS City to Shore Ride with 7,000 cyclists raising $5.6 million – promises to be the best cycling experience on the east coast. This ride is fully supported with catered rest stops, bike support and SAG transportation. For more information call: 1-800-445-BIKE or visit mscycling.org
Boardwalk & Downtown Merchant “Discount Days” 6th Street – 14th Street on the boardwalk and Asbury Ave.